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Ingleby Gallery 10th Year Programme of Exhibitions

Edinburgh Art Festival Top Ten Shows to See

William Kentridge Prints, Edinburgh Printmakers

Picasso on Paper, Dean Gallery, Edinburgh
Picasso: Fired with Passion, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh

Hand, Heart and Soul, City Art Centre, Edinburgh

My Highest Pleasures, Hunterian Art Gallery, Glasgow

Richard Long: Walking And Marking, SNGMA, Edinburgh

The Naked Portrait, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh

Moyna Flannigan & Sarah Staton, Mount Stuart, Bute

Adrian Wiszniewski & Peter Thomson, Open Eye, Edinburgh

No Fixed Points: Drawings by John Cage and Merce Cunningham, Inverleith House, Edinburgh


Sunday Herald 09.09.07

Sunday Herald 29.07.07

Sunday Herald 29.07.07

Sunday Herald 15.07

Sunday Herald 08.07.07

Sunday Herald 08.07.07

Sunday Herald 01.07.07

Sunday Herald 24.06.07

Sunday Herald 17.06.07

Sunday Herald 10.06.07

Sunday Herald 20.05.07

----------Peacocks Among The Ruins, DCA, Dundee

Build It and They Will Come, Travelling Gallery

Fonn ’s Dùthchas: Land and Legacy, Kelvingrove, Glasgow

Andy Goldsworthy, Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Cutting Edge: Geometry in Art 1910-1965, Dean Gallery, Edinburgh

Graham Fagen: Downpresserer, GoMA, Glasgow

Sun By Ear: Katy Dove and Victoria Morton, Tramway, Glasgow

Preview: Alexander Nasmyth: An Enlightened Gentleman, NGS

Feature: Female Icons, Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen

Brian Eno: Constellations, Baltic, Gateshead

Living In The Modern World, City Art Centre, Edinburgh

Julie Roberts: The New Woman Artist, GoMA, Glasgow

Friedrich, doggerfisher, Edinburgh

Sunday Herald 13.05.07

Sunday Herald 06.05.07

Sunday Herald 22.04.07

Sunday Herald 15.04.07

Sunday Herald 01.04.07

Sunday Herald 25.03.07

Sunday Herald 18.03.07

Sunday Herald 25.02.07

Sunday Herald 11.02.07

Sunday Herald 11.02.07

Sunday Herald 28.01.07

Sunday Herald 14.01.07

Sunday Herald 07.01.07

since 2012








